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A New Adventure: Welcome to Sage Training

When I left for Ecuador in May, 2013, friends, family and acquaintances came to me with support, encouragement, and, my favorite: gifts. One gift was a copy of Out of Africa. I cracked that book open on my flight from Miami to Quito, and I remember being immediately struck by the quote:

“Up in this air you breathed easily, drawing in a vital assurance and lightness of heart. In the highlands you woke up in the morning and thought: Here I am, where I ought to be.”

I hoped that would be me. I’d joined the Peace Corps. I was moving to South America. I was feeding my inner anthropologist, traveler, gypsy and humanitarian. During training and my first few months of service, I came to know a plethora of incredible people and experience the world in a new way. However, I never woke with a rested energy and a resounding sense that, “There I was, where I ought to be.”

The only Ecuadorians I could con into running with me: my host siblings.

In December, 2014 I made a tormenting decision to leave what I’d thought I’d always wanted to do in order to pursue what I really wanted to do.

Another gift I received when I left for Ecuador was a big red whistle from my friend and running coach. “You are meant to be a coach,” he said, thinking like I did that I would inevitably start a running club for the girls in some dusty village.

Apparently that’s what I’d wanted all along: to coach. Now I’m back in the states working with youth and adults alike as a swim coach as I pursue the dream I discovered while doing my South American walkabout. I want to see what I’m made of as an athlete, and I want to help others learn to love the sport of triathlon as much as I do. And so, a year after leaving for Ecuador, I find myself, the girl who swore she’d never live the same place twice, back in Salt Lake embarking on a whole new unknown: I’ve launched a business. The adventure continues!

So here I am. Sageing the world, just a little bit closer to home. Feel free to check out my new scene:

Feeling a bit more like myself (exhausted but happy) after Nationals in Milwaukee


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